UM Crown of the Continent and Greater Yellowstone Initiative
After several years of supporting the UM Crown of the Continent Initiative and its Crown of the Continent E-Magazine, a little over two years ago the University announced that the initiative would expand to include the Greater Yellowstone region as well. Both the initiative and the magazine accordingly changed their names to reflect that exciting expansion: UM Crown of the Continent and Greater Yellowstone Initiative became the parent of the UM Crown of the Continent and Greater Yellowstone E-Magazine. We are pleased to announce that the fourth issue of the magazine with the expanded area to cover will be out in early March (2016). If you don’t receive notification of the new issue together with a link to access it, you may find it here shortly thereafter by clicking on the link above titled “E-Publications” and then on the issue at the top of the list which will be “Winter 2015/16.”
As has been our mission since the beginning back in Spring 2009, we continue to make available free of charge—through this website, the e-magazine, and our other publications— enlightening information, stories, scientific articles, maps, historic features, art work, photography, book reviews, and news from and about these two incredible ecosystems. We hope that all of this work —and the other publications and presentations—shed interesting light on the Crown and Greater Yellowstone as well as on the important research and discoveries being made in them and their surrounding areas. To do so, we try to provide new insights into their colorful and often unknown history, inspire you with breathtaking photos and fascinating art, and let you know about some of the important news from and about these amazing places, as well as some of the challenges they currently face.
We sincerely hope that visitors to this website will browse further than this Homepage, access our earlier magazine issues, check out the photo galleries and maps, and then send their comments and questions to us about the initiative and the magazine. Our e-mail is: In the meantime, as spring awakens and gets us thinking more about spending some late spring, summer, and fall time in the Crown and Greater Yellowstone, we invite you to enjoy the Winter issue of the magazine and be inspired to explore one or both of these magical places next Winter.